As dance teachers we need to understand & practice Safeguarding well! Safeguarding is about protecting from Harm & Preventing Impairment, whether Children or Adults we must feel confident & comfortable in our chosen course of actions if we identify a Safeguarding concern or issue. As a basic rule for children we should always ACT first (contact your Local Authority Safeguarding Team), for an adult we should always try to ASK first (but act if we are unable to communicate with that individual).
You will all have certain policies in place within your Dance Schools, from Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, Anti-Bullying, Social Media/Online & any others you have felt relevant for you & your school, but we cannot emphasise enough how important it is to also have a Safeguarding Policy for Children & Adults.
There is a great deal of information out there to assist with your policy writing & also to assist you in dealing with Safeguarding Concerns/Issues that may arise. Be sure you are aware of who you need to contact in the first instance & familiarise yourself with procedures. Just remember you are an important part of your students lives, you will watch many children grow into adults, you never know when or if someone will come to any Harm, just don't do nothing always do something, Safeguarding is everybody's responsibilty, share your concerns with the relevant people!
If you would like any further help or assistance with any of your policies please contact us direct & we will advise where we can, but also see below some useful links and documents that may help you run a safer Dance School.
Please see the UNICEF summary document: UNCRC_summary-1_1
Department of Education: Keeping Children Safe during community activity, after school clubs and tuition – Published 21 October 2020
DOWNLOAD PDF: 6.6903_DFE_OOSS_Code_of_practice_document
Department of Education: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020
Keeping Children Safe during community activities, after school clubs and tuition – guidance for providers running out of school settings – voluntary code of conduct
The document offers clear guidance and advice for any one running an out of school activity including dance classes
NSPCC:Safeguarding in the performing arts
The NSPCC has an article on their website offering advice on keeping children safe in music, drama, dance, television and theatre:
NSPCC offer online safeguarding training
Child Licences – BOPA
Teachers should contact their local Council for information on the regulations and licenses required for children working in shows, film and TV.